Thursday, October 10, 2013

Download Coda 2.0.11 Free Mac OS X

Download Coda 2.0.11 Free Mac OS X.

Coda 2.0.11

Coda is developer tool that gives you all the tools for building web applications in an innovative one-window web development environment. Upon starting Coda, you will be greeted with the list of your favorite applications (called “Sites” by the Coda). From there, you can click on any one of them and be transported on the last position where you left your work before, with all connections to servers, splits and tabs quickly restored to their previous state. If such amount of ease of use does not impress you, nothing will.

What have we added to Coda lately?


This is huge! Teach Coda new tricks, and extend its functionality, lickety-split. Download plug-ins that others have written, or write your own plug-ins using your favorite scripting language. This is just the beginning — learn more in the Coda Developer Zone. We look forward to seeing what you make!

Open quickly 

Hit Control-Q to instantly access the Open Quickly window. Type a few letters of the local file you want to edit, anywhere in your site. Ka-jang! Instantly open it. It’s Spotlight for your website files!

Smart Spelling

Spell check your words — not your code. And in Mac OS X 10.5, do it as you type!


Work with a team using the most popular source control system there is, baked right into the sidebar. Check out code, update, commit changes — yep, Coda just saved you even more time.

Find across files

You can now find and replace text across multiple local files — open files, files in a specific folder, or the files in your “site” — using the same sleek, inline search bar you know and love.

Code Folding


Smart Complete

Autocomplete variables and functions in a document.

Workflow Improvements

Automatic indentation, smarter closing tags, etc.

Streamlined Find & Replace

With our revolutionary Placeholder token.


Download Coda 2.0.11 Here

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